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The most common terminology used in servlet.


The most common terminology used in servlet.

The basic terminology used in servlet are given below:

  1. HTTP
  2. HTTP Request Types
  3. Difference between Get and Post method
  4. Container
  5. Server and Difference between web server and application server
  6. Content Type
  7. Introduction of XML
  8. Deployment

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

  1. Http is the protocol that allows web servers and browsers to exchange data over the web.
  2. It is a request response protocol.
  3. Http uses reliable TCP connections bydefault on TCP port 80.
  4. It is stateless means each request is considered as the new request. In other words, server doesn't recognize the user by default.

Http Request Methods

Every request has a header thattells the status of the client. There are many request methods. Get and Postrequests are mostly used.

The http request methods are:

  • GET
  • POST
  • HEAD
  • PUT

HTTP Request



Asks to get the resource at the requested URL.


Asks the server to accept the body info attached. It is like GET request with extra info sent with the request.


Asks for only the header part of whatever a GET would return. Just like GET but with no body.


Asks for the loopback of the request message, for testing or troubleshooting.


Says to put the enclosed info (the body) at the requested URL.


Says to delete the resource at the requested URL.


Asks for a list of the HTTP methods to which the thing at the request URL can respond

What is the difference between Get and Post?

There are many differencesbetween the Get and Post request. Let's see these differences:



1) In case of Get request, only limited amount of datacan be sent because data is sent in header.

In case of post request, large amount of data can be sent because data is sent in body.

2) Get request is not secured because data is exposed in URL bar.

Post request is secured because data is not exposed in URL bar.

3) Get request can be bookmarked

Post request cannot be bookmarked

4) Get request is idempotent. It means second request will be ignored until response of first request is delivered.

Post request is non-idempotent

5) Get request is more efficient and used more than Post

Post request is less efficient and used less than get.

Anatomy of Get Request

As we know that data is sent inrequest header in case of get request. It is the default request type. Let'ssee what informations are sent to the server. 

Anatomy of Post Request

As we know, in case of postrequest original data is sent in message body. Let's see how informations arepassed to the server in case of post request. 


It provides runtime environmentfor JavaEE (j2ee) applications.

It performs many operationsthat are given below:

  1. Life Cycle Management
  2. Multithreaded support
  3. Object Pooling
  4. Security etc.


It is a running program orsoftware that provides services.

There are two types of servers:

  1. Web Server
  2. Application Server

Web Server

Web server contains only web orservlet container. It can be used for servlet, jsp, struts, jsf etc. It can'tbe used for EJB.

Example of Web Servers are: Apache Tomcat and Resin.

Application Server

Application server contains Weband EJB containers. It can be used for servlet, jsp, struts, jsf, ejb etc.

Example of Application Serversare:

  1. JBoss Open-source server from JBoss community.
  2. Glassfish provided by Sun Microsystem. Now acquired by Oracle.
  3. Weblogic provided by Oracle. It more secured.
  4. Websphere provided by IBM.

Content Type

Content Type is also known asMIME (Multipurpose internet Mail Extension) Type. It is a HTTP header that provides the description aboutwhat are you sending to the browser.

There are many content types:

  • text/html
  • text/plain
  • application/msword
  • application/vnd.ms-excel
  • application/jar
  • application/pdf
  • application/octet-stream
  • application/x-zip
  • images/jpeg
  • video/quicktime etc.


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