Here is a comprehensive outline for a Full Stack Web Development course in Python:

Module 1: Introduction to Full Stack Web Development

  1. Overview of Full Stack Development
  2. Understanding Front-end and Back-end Development
  3. Setting Up the Development Environment

Module 2: Front-end Development

  1. HTML Fundamentals
  2. CSS for Styling Web Pages
  3. Responsive Design with CSS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
  4. JavaScript Basics
  5. Advanced JavaScript and ES6 Features
  6. Introduction to Front-end Frameworks: React, Vue.js, or Angular

Module 3: Python Programming Fundamentals

  1. Introduction to Python
  2. Data Types and Variables
  3. Control Structures (Loops and Conditionals)
  4. Functions and Modules
  5. Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Module 4: Back-end Development with Flask

  1. Introduction to Flask
  2. Setting Up a Flask Project
  3. Routing and Views in Flask
  4. Templates and Jinja2
  5. Handling Forms and User Input
  6. Building RESTful APIs with Flask
  7. Database Integration with Flask and SQLAlchemy

Module 5: Back-end Development with Django

  1. Introduction to Django
  2. Setting Up a Django Project
  3. Django Project Structure and Apps
  4. Routing and Views in Django
  5. Templates and Django Template Language
  6. Models and ORM
  7. Django Admin Interface
  8. Form Handling and Validation
  9. Building RESTful APIs with Django REST Framework

Module 6: Database Management

  1. Introduction to Databases
  2. SQL Basics
  3. Database Design and Normalization
  4. Using SQLite, MySQL, or PostgreSQL with Python
  5. ORM with SQLAlchemy and Django ORM

Module 7: User Authentication and Authorization

  1. Introduction to User Authentication
  2. Implementing Authentication in Flask
  3. Implementing Authentication in Django
  4. OAuth and Social Authentication

Module 8: Front-end and Back-end Integration

  1. Connecting Front-end and Back-end
  2. AJAX and Fetch API
  3. State Management in Front-end Frameworks
  4. Consuming RESTful APIs from Front-end

Module 9: Deployment and Hosting

  1. Introduction to Deployment
  2. Deploying Flask Applications
  3. Deploying Django Applications
  4. Using Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean for Hosting
  5. Docker and Containerization

Module 10: Web Application Security

  1. Common Security Threats
  2. Securing Flask Applications
  3. Securing Django Applications
  4. Using HTTPS and SSL

Module 11: Testing and Debugging

  1. Introduction to Testing
  2. Unit Testing with Python
  3. Testing Flask Applications
  4. Testing Django Applications
  5. Debugging Techniques and Tools

Module 12: Advanced Topics

  1. Real-time Web Applications with WebSockets
  2. GraphQL with Python
  3. Integrating Third-Party APIs
  4. Performance Optimization

Module 13: Version Control with Git and GitHub

  1. Introduction to Git
  2. Basic Git Commands
  3. Collaborating on Projects with GitHub
  4. Branching and Merging

Module 14: Capstone Project

  1. Planning and Designing the Project
  2. Developing the Project
  3. Testing and Debugging
  4. Deploying the Project
  5. Presenting the Project

This course outline provides a comprehensive path to becoming a proficient full-stack web developer using Python, covering both front-end and back-end development, databases, deployment, security, and more.